My first time

In the midst of all the confusion, “Was l? Was l not? Could it be true? Was this only my feelings?
If l was really like this how was l to handle it? Whom was l to share it with? Where do l start?”

Boom! l met a guy on facebook. During these days there was this amazing unlimited texting with etxt which was in a way connected to your facebook, the conversation grew nice and nicer by the day told him how l felt and all I could think about and he was like you not alone l feel the same, so we arranged a meeting so we could talk in detail all we have been sharing..

Well being innocent as l was back then before life experiences changed me. l had imagined my first time either way with a girl or with a guy- l had designed it

A hotel room with ice white sheets well spread red rose petals, scented candles, a bottle of red wine, slow soft classic music, definitely a fairy tale the TV soapies design for all of us

But guess what, it was far from all the goodies l imagined. We had sceduled our meeting @10 in town.
l got delayed with house stuff l got to town around 12 he was already gone. He asked me to follow him to his place. Well, it was the only reason l had travelled 45 km so I had to go there!

He owned a small apartment but very nice for a bachelor. He offered me juice well l refused being shy and l that l could not take it he headed to his bedroom and asked me to follow like a robot given instruction l followed we looked at the laptop he showed me music videos and movies he had.

Before l knew it his hands where around me going up and down **** me l said “l was feeling very uncomfortable” and he “what should l do to make you comfortable”, he said this while his mouth coming close to me what happened happened in the next 15 minutes the deed had happened

Nothing like l had imagined nothing as l had planned. its funny how we take hours planning for a 15 minute event…

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